Galp Energia ranked first at European level, second in the Oil & Gas industry and third in the world, for the “Best Financial Disclosure Procedures” award at the 11th edition of the Investor Relations Global Rankings 2009, among over 150 companies world wide.
Investor Relations Global Rankings is a global event conducted by MZ Consulting NY in association with KPMG, Bloomberg, The Bank of New York Mellon, NYSE Euronext, Arnold & Porter, Demarest & Almeida and Asia Corporate Network.
The “Best Financial Disclosure Procedures” category evaluates the quality of the information made available to the capital market according with the following criteria: operating information disclosure, income statement, balance sheet and cash flow analysis, guidance and the channels used for financial information dissemination and distribution, including among others the investor relations website and conference calls with investors and sell side analysts.
This award is the recognition of Galp Energia’s communication policy based on transparency, clarity and on prioritizing equal treatment assuring that all investors receive the same information simultaneously.