Key Innovation projects

Key Innovation projects

We work together with the business units to pave the way for the energy transition



Agrivoltaics is a novel way to merge solar energy production with agriculture. Instead of competing for space, agrivoltaics creates a mutually beneficial relationship between its two components. Enabling renewable energy production in the same space as farming while shielding crops from nature's forces like hail, heavy rain, droughts, and high temperatures.

Although we are just at the beginning of understanding the synergistic potential of agrivoltaics, it is promising to create a positive impact on agricultural practises, for food producers, and on nature.

Together with its partners, Galp is developing a series of actions to learn how to turn this early trend into a sustainable reality.

Energy storage

Energy storage is and will play a key role in the decarbonisation of the energy world. Energy storage is a renewable energy enabler by providing an adequate response to increasing electricity grid variability brought by renewable sources, buffering high and low generation and demand balance, while increasing the grid's stability.

There are multiple integration benefits as it prevents renewable energy value cannibalisation in the market and avoids curtailment of renewable energy due to excess generation or grid constraints while using its fast response time to provide ancillary services to the grid.

Therefore, Galp is developing a series of initiatives around energy storage, including piloting technologies and new software solutions to increase the value captured by its renewable generation.


SERENDIPV is a 4-year €12 million project funded by the European Commission working to advance the energy transition in Europe by improving the lifetime, reliability, performance, and profitability of PV generation.

The project also aims to increase PV generation penetration in the European grid.

The consortium has 19 partners: European-wide R&D centres and universities, technology manufacturers for inverters, PV plant operators that will provide portfolios of small, medium-scale, and large PV plants, DSO, PV engineers, consultants, and ICT developers.


Second-life batteries

Second-life battery technology reuses retired electric vehicle batteries for stationary applications. Despite reduced EV performance, these batteries still provide significant capacity, which can be harnessed in diverse applications, including energy storage for homes and EV charging infrastructure. Giving these batteries a second life decreases the need for new battery production, thus reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing and fostering a circular economy.

Galp is currently conducting a pilot project to assess the application of this technology alongside ultra-fast charging hubs to demonstrate its potential to cut operational costs and enhance the flexibility of charging hubs. Embracing this innovative solution represents a substantial step toward a more eco-friendly, sustainable, and efficient future for electric mobility.

First micromobility swapping service in Portugal

Last-mile delivery and micromobility operators are growing and the efficiency of logistics operations is key to their success. This project aimed to deploy a solution to optimise this issue through a battery swapping service positioning Galp as an integrated energy player enabling charging-as-a-service and battery-as-a-service offers.

During a 6-month pilot, we deployed five stations (Lisbon and Madrid) which jointly accounted for 12,579 swaps and 9,213 kWh. This was enough energy to power 792,477 km in e-bike which is two times the distance to the moon or 20 times around the globe.

Sensei Pod

First autonomous store in a service station in Europe

V2G Azores

Pioneer vehicle-to-grid project in Portugal with 10 EVs performing grid services


Carbon capture and utilisation (CCU)

CCU is a promising technology aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and mitigating climate change.

Galp innovation team is exploring ways to decarbonise both refining and upstream assets on their operations through the implementation of CCU solutions being explored in Research, Development, and Innovation projects focusing on different areas such as the study of efficient capture technologies and carbon utilisation routes, such as e-fuels, in partnership with key players, aligning with global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and protect the planet.

One of the projects Galp is developing in partnership with UFRG (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) and UFRJ (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), and supported by ANP, aims to perform intensive CO2 capture to produce advanced biofuels from microalgae conversion, utilising various thermochemical routes.

Green hydrogen

Green H2 is a clean and renewable source of energy that plays a key role in the transition towards a more sustainable future. Optimising the production and utilisation of green H2 requires an integrated approach that takes into account various factors such as energy production and use, market predictions, and new technologies.

Galp is dedicated to leading green H2 production through electrolysis, pursuing new technologies, optimising processes, exploring storage options to combat renewable energy intermittency, and developing diverse transportation methods for various industries decarbonisation needs.

In the H2 storage topic, Galp is developing a project, in partnership with UFC (Universidade Federal do Ceará) and supported by ANP, aiming to explore the potential for hydrogen storage and recovery in depleted oil & gas reservoirs.

Low carbon fuels

The production of low carbon fuels is a critical aspect for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and achieving a sustainable energy future with lower environmental impact. 

Galp, through its innovation portfolio, explores two promising streams including (1) e-fuels using CO2 and green hydrogen as well as (2) biofuels based on different types of biological feedstocks, to identify the best technological routes to support the energy transition.

In biofuel production, Galp is developing a project, in partnership with UFRJ (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) and supported by ANP, aiming to create a modular prototype system for producing aviation and/or maritime fuels from biowaste.

