The Tupi and Iracema projects was among the first developments in the Brazilian pre-salt cluster, facing several technical challenges::
- Location in ultra-deep waters.
- The large salt layer.
- The reservoir’s characteristics.
As a way of overcoming these difficulties, the consortium applied innovative technologies and adapted existing ones to tackle project’s challenges.
The technological developments carried out in the pre-salt have been recognised and referenced, namely for the increased efficiency achieved in the appraisal and development operations, for the methodologies applied to reservoir management and for the results achieved in production optimisation.
The BM-S-11 consortium has submitted an updated PoD for the Tupi and Iracema fields to ANP. This submission includes a set of identified actions aimed at maximising the value creation from the Tupi and Iracema fields, identifying additional development projects, of low breakeven, which will increase the fields’ total recoverability.