Galp Energia’s annual general meeting convened today approved the items proposed on the agenda as follows:
1. The single management report and the individual and consolidated accounts for 2013, including the corporate governance report, accompanied, in particular, by the statutory auditor’s opinion and the Supervisory Board’s activity report and opinion
2. The proposal for application of profits of the year 2013 as follows:
- Retained Earnings: €125,361,090.48
- Dividends: €238,824,182.88 (which corresponds to a dividend of €0.288 per share, in accordance with the shareholder remuneration policy approved in March 2012, representing an increase of 20% compared with the dividend distributed in the previous year). During the month of October 2013 an interim dividend was paid amounting to €119,412,091.43 (€0.144 per share)
3. A resolution expressing the shareholders’ vote of thanks and consideration to the board of directors, the supervisory board and the statutory auditors
4. The statement of the remuneration committee regarding the remuneration policy of the governing bodies
5. The granting of authorisation to the board of directors for the acquisition and sale of treasury shares, by the Company or by its affiliates
6. The granting of authorisation to the board of directors for the acquisition and sale of own bonds or other own debt securities, by the Company or by its affiliates
Note: All the proposals are available at:
Source: Galp Energia, SGPS, S.A.