save on fuel

stop, listen and save

From coupon to card, at Galp you will find many different ways to save on fuel. Get to know them.

more kilometers with less fuel

The bill is simple when we talk about the most evolved Galp fuel. Fuel with Evologic and make more kilometers per tank.

get to know Evologic fuel
Already fueled the car? Now it's time to fill the cart. Earn balance on your Mainland Card every time you go to Galp.
travel through Galp stations

promotions in the palm of your hand

Install the app and add your smartphone with discounts on fuel, services and products.

more about the App
Share your code and offer fuel discount vouchers to your friends. For each voucher added and used by a friend, you can get another one back.

tips for saving on fuel

fast and furious? better not

Driving regularly at speeds in excess of 100km/h impairs performance, as the wind forces the engine to work harder.

careful with the debris

Regularly replace your car's filters, spark plugs, and tires to prevent debris from accumulating and reduce road friction.

don’t let your speed hand go around

To make the fuel last, the ideal is to circulate at 2500 revolutions (for petrol vehicles) and 2000 revolutions (for diesel vehicles).

The neutral myth

Forget neutral. Decelerate with gear shift or, in case of extended stops, shut off engine.

air conditioner or air stream?

It is known that the AC consumes fuel. However, on the freeway the expense is less than if you open the window (due to aerodynamic drag).

fill up what you need

Avoid filling up the tank completely for short trips. This will help you reduce the extra weight of your car and the engine effort.

to convert gasoline into gas

Cut fuel costs and convert to LPG Auto without slowing down the savings.

more about GPL Auto

the country's largest fast electric charging network

Have you bought an electric vehicle? Then find out where you can find the closest electric loading galp stations.

travel by the electric stations

enjoy discounts for your fleet

Choose the card that best fits your business capacity and start saving on fuel each time you fuel your company's fleet.

more about the Galp Frota cards

stay tuned for our partnerships

For the young, for the Azoreans, for those who ride a motorcycle... Here the fuel discounts are for all those who meet the necessary conditions to join Galp +.

enjoy discounts for your fleet

save on purchases

from kilometers per hour to kilometers per euro

Circle in the stop-start of discounts, roads of counpons and journeys of cards that will help you slow down expenses.

super discounts for use in supermarkets

Refueling the car at Galp means filling your Continent Card and shopping cart too.

more about this partnership
A discount never comes alone, so in addition to accumulating balance on Continente Card, you get even more discounts if you have a Galp Casa plan or e Universo Card.
get to know the Galp Casa plan

dicas para poupar em compras

coupon hunting

Focus on the coupons and do not miss out on the discounts that interest you most.

discounts on your bills

Fill in at Galp, accumulate balance in Continent Card and deduct the balance in the supermarket bills. Or vice versa.

buy in packs

Promotional packages (for example: take 2 for 1) are a good solution for those who want to save on purchases.

write down what you need

If you want to control your expenses, always make a list of what you need. This way, it will be easier to limit superfluous spendings.

there’s no speeding limit for quality

Get to know the variety, quality and freshness of the menus that we have prepared for you.

more about Tangerina stores

signal your savings

Stay on top of all the exclusive Galp deals and discounts and never drive on the wrong side of the road of saving.

more about promotions

save time

from Bragança to Lisbon there are 700 stations

Having the largest network of gas stations in the country means that there is always a Galp station near you. Find us quickly and easily.

there is always a station

Sitting on the couch or behind the wheel of your vehicle, quickly discover the nearest Galp station.

travel through the biggest network of stations
too much traffic for the cashier? Fuel at Pay & Go technology stations, pay directly when fueling, and continue your journey without wasting time.
travel through the biggest network of stations

you can pay with Via Verde

Can not find the card? Fuel with Via Verde at galp stations and continue your journey without wasting time.

travel through Via Verde stations
Many drivers still have the wrong idea, but did you know that joining the Via Verde is fast, easy and, above all, free?

tips for saving time

fuel up and keep driving

The queues at the fuel stations make you waste time. Choose, for example, automatic pay stations to avoid queues inside the store.

change your routine without changing route

Why not take advantage of rush hour to handle such things as shopping or going to the gym? So when you resume your path, everything will be calmer.

do not leave for tomorrow morning what you can do in the evening

Want to avoid queues when you fuel the car? Try doing it at night time when traffic flow is lower.

put the table at our stations

If you are on your way to work and have to stop to fill the deposit, you can also enjoy our delicious menus at the station.

make a shortcut for time saving

From the fastest route to traffic alternatives, GPS on your smartphone can prove to be a great time-saving feature.

get to know the rush hour

Discover the hours of major traffic near you and avoid them, for example: leave early to avoid morning traffic or avoid driving near schools at check-in and check-out times.

much more than a station.

Easily find the stations where the quality and convenience can be seen from far away.

travel through Tangerina stores

find the nearest station

The station closest to you is in the palm of your hand. It's up to you to discover it on your smartphone.

more about the App

save the environment

we hear the echo and follow the logic

The environment asked and we heard it.
Find the eco-friendly offer that will help you reduce the environmental impact of your vehicle.

a benefit deposit for the environment

Ecologically thought to extend the road that leads to tomorrow.

more about GPL
Did you know that you can save up to 2.100€/year when converting your vehicle to LPG Auto?

tips for saving the environment

car inspection in sight

Don’t forget the inspection of your vehicle. This will help you reduce fuel consumption and control the emission of gas.

choose the car you want, as long as it is green

Usually, more recent cars emit less polluting gases. Take this into account when changing or buying a new car.

take a ride on saving the environment

Another way to save the environment is to start a carpooling group. A co-worker who lives near you may be a good choice.

turn off the car, turn on the savings

Whenever you are waiting for someone, keep the car off and avoid unnecessary emission of polluting gases.

car full, the environment will thank you

If you are traveling with family or friends, try to distribute weight and space for as few vehicles as possible.

be proactive in finding alternatives

Find alternatives to fossil fuels such as gas oil and gasoline. Choose, for example, for LPG Auto or electric vehicles.

made of electricity, perfect for the city

Haven’t you pulled the plug yet? Meet the largest network of electric supply stations in the country.

travel through electric station network

the species of fuel that protects the habitat

By improving engine performance and eliminating unwanted waste, it will also reduce the emission of harmful gases to the environment.

more about Evologic

your new Galp Ready card gives you access to discounts on Galp fuels

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