agricultural diesel

a fuel that’s good for business

Green on the outside, but truly remarkable on the inside. Dyed Diesel is open to a serious relationship with your business and will win you through the reduction or total exemption from excise duty.

stations with agricultural diesel

faithful to the market

Galp Dyed Diesel is dedicated to the agricultural, forestry and fishing sectors, respecting what is stipulated in the legislation in force.

agricultural and forestry

Investing in the relationship with the agricultural and forestry sector.

fixed motors

Fixed on you and what your company needs most.


A fuel rowing in the same direction as your business.


Fuel for those who take the road for the sake of business.

exclusive gas cards

The refueling of this kind of fuel is exclusive to the Green Diesel card, launched by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Fisheries.

got questions about Galp agricultural diesel?

Find the answers you need here.

What are the characteristics of dyed diesel/agricultural fuel?

Dyed diesel fuel, or agricultural diesel fuel, has exactly the same characteristics as normal (road) diesel fuel. It is only different because of its green coloration and because it has a chemical additive (the tracer) which allows its easy detection.

Does dyed diesel or agricultural diesel have tax exemption?

Dyed diesel or agricultural fuel is a product included in a tax category with the benefit of reduction or exemption from the tax rate on petroleum products.

What is dyed or agricultural diesel intended for?

Dyed or agricultural gas oil is intended for the agricultural and forestry sectors and, according to the legislation in force, it can only be consumed by fixed engines, tractors, combine harvesters, motor cultivators, motor-mowers, motor mowers, automotive harvesting machines, miscellaneous automotive machines and specific logging machines.

Do I need a card to buy dyed/agricultural diesel?

The dyed/agricultural refuelling can only be made by card holders with microcircuit, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries.

What documentation do you need to register and obtain the agricultural card?

To get the agricultural card you need:

  • Identity card
  • Fuel discount vouchers
  • Exclusive App Promotions
  • EvoDriver
  • Taxpayer card
  • Booklet and registration title of property (tractors)
  • Proof of possession of the machine, containing the respective characteristics (remaining machines)
  • Land ownership document, essential in case of existence of areas irrigated by diesel pumping
  • Certificates issued by the finance division and the Regional Social Security Center of the respective areas, proving the tax and tax situations duly regularized

Can I use dyed or agricultural diesel in any equipment?

No. The use of dyed or agricultural diesel in vehicles of any other type or in machines that are not legally qualified for consumption is punished in accordance with the General Regime of Tax Offenses approved by Law no. 15/2001 of June 5.

Can I fuel dyed diesel in maritime-tourist vessels with Galp Fleet?


If there is a leak inside the boat, what should I do?

Clean with absorbent material and place in appropriate place.

still in doubt?

Find the answers you need here.

707 504 257

Business days from 9am until 8pm.

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