Generation Galp has been around since 1998. With over a quarter of a century of history, it has been the gateway to an exciting journey in the energy world. Today we have more than 500 employees who have joined Galp through the various editions of the programme.
Year after year, high-potential young talents accept the challenge of embracing the Galp culture and joining a global team, united by lasting bonds and focused on providing the energy people need for daily life.
Are you a keen communicator? Focused on meeting objectives? An enthusiastic team player? At Generation Galp you'll be able to maximise your talent to meet any challenge.
Throughout the year-long programme, you'll receive personalised support and the chance to take part in various activities.
Bring what's unique to you and join Generation Galp!
You will have to go through several stages to enter Generation Galp, all of them eliminatory: