en Seta

Our roots

Galp’s history goes back three centuries and is closely associated with the industrial evolution of Portugal.

Our history

The companies that form part of Galp today have contributed to our current positioning as an integrated energy player, through the creation and development of new opportunities. The diversification of our business portfolio reflects the various areas of expertise that we have developed over time.

The origin of Galp dates back to the 19th century.

In 1846, Lisbon saw the introduction of gas lamp lighting. Technical, economic and social evolution has contributed to the switch from gas, to oil and currently to natural gas. The development of these new energy sources was accompanied by the establishment of various companies - CRGE, Sonap, Sacor, Cidla, SPP and Petrosul - mapping the evolution of the energy sector in Portugal and that later give rise to Galp.

Galp was incorporated on 22 April 1999 under the name of GALP - Petróleos e Gás de Portugal, SGPS, S.A. to exploit the oil and natural gas business following restructuring of the energy sector in Portugal.

Galp merged Petrogal, the only refining company and main distributor of oil products, and Gás de Portugal (GDP), an importer, transporter and distributor of natural gas in Portugal.

Illustrated timeline

Learn about the events and activities in Galp's history.
Galp and IKEA create the largest private charging network for electric vehicles in Portugal

The Galp brand

We are a strong brand. We have come a long way since 1846 - when we turned night into day by introducing public gas lighting. A path of innovation.

The Galp brand is the product of the various companies that have led to it's origin that emerged to the rhythm of the discovery of new sources of energy: ours is a history made of partnership.

The most recent image change took place in 2016, aligning our brand with the company’s current and future reality. Currently, Galp is an integrated energy operator, present throughout the entire oil and natural gas value chain, and in the marketing of electricity. A company that has opened up to the world and that operates in the global energy market. With the ambition and challenger spirit that makes us participate in the two largest discoveries of oil and natural gas of the last decades in Brazil and Mozambique.

Ours is a history of having the agility to adapt to an ever-changing world. That is a good reason for us to have confidence in ourselves and in the relationships we establish with those who work with us every day to bring energy to the world in a sustainable way.

We are currently an innovation-oriented brand with a technological profile and committed to our common future. Achieving success requires preparation and rigour, especially in research & development - a critical area for our future. Knowledge and science are thus fundamental to our activity.

More about our business

