Annual General Meeting 2022

4/29/2022, at 10:00 AM, held entirely through telematic means.

Summary of Participation

Represented Capital


Agenda, proposals and results


1. Resolve on the ratification of the co-options of Teresa Alexandra Pires Marques Leitão Abecasis, Javier Cavada Camino e Georgios Papadimitriou as members of the Board of Directors of the Company, to complete the current mandate (2019-2022).

In Favor 92.920%
Against 7.080%
Abstention N/A

2. Resolve on the election of a member of the Board of Directors of the Company, to complete the current mandate (2019-2022).

In Favor 99.760%
Against 0.240%
Abstention N/A

3. Resolve on the integrated management report and on the individual and consolidated accounts for the year 2021 as well as the remaining reporting documents, including the corporate governance report (which includes the information on remuneration) and the consolidated non-financial information, together with the accounts legal certification documents and the opinion and activity report of the Audit Board.

In Favor 99.600%
Against 0.400%
Abstention N/A

4. Resolve on the proposal to allocate the 2021 results.

In Favor 99.230%
Against 0.770%
Abstention N/A

5. Perform a general appraisal of the Board of Directors, the Audit Board and the Statutory Auditor for the year 2021, in accordance with Article 455 of the Portuguese Companies Code.

In Favor 96.950%
Against 3.050%
Abstention N/A

6. Resolve on the proposal regarding the remuneration policy for the members of the management and supervisory bodies and members of the Board of the General Meeting for 2022, submitted by the Remuneration Committee.

In Favor 95.990%
Against 4.010%
Abstention N/A

7. Resolve on the granting of authorisation to the Board of Directors for the acquisition and disposal of own shares and bonds.

In Favor 98.240%
Against 1.760%
Abstention N/A

8. Resolve on the reduction of the Company's share capital up to 9% of its current share capital by cancellation of own shares.

In Favor 99.730%
Against 0.270%
Abstention N/A
Source: Galp Last updated: 3/28/2023

