Social Impact

Social Impact

Our energy is the present of the future

Our vision is to help shape carbon-free sustainable communities, having Galp recognized as a leader and natural partner in the Energy Transition path, socially just and affordable.

An inclusive and people‐centered energy transition is crucial to ensure that a world moving at a fast pace, collectively and consistently towards a net‐zero emissions economy by 2050 should not leave anyone behind. This is also a critical point for the achievement of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

It is Galp’s aim to promote this shared journey, empowering, supporting and working side-by-side with society, by promoting the development through access to sustainable energy while protecting biodiversity, providing quality education and stimulating conscious energy consumption and by fostering social innovation and entrepreneurship.

Our pillars


Sustainable energy and mobility solutions

We provide access to sustainable energy and mobility solutions and believe that shared value is the path to carbon neutrality

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We have a responsibility to educate and raise awareness about the energy transition, and to empower and support communities during the transition

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Ecosystem integration

We believe in naturalizing and promoting a net positive impact on ecosystems and biodiversity

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Support to local projects

We support local projects that contribute to the communities' sustainable development priorities

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Social emergencies

We contribute to assisting social emergencies caused by economic, political, environmental or other issues, whether these are of a persistent or occasional nature

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Our Impact

2022 Key Figures

  • Volunteers
    1255 Volunteers
  • Total investment in the Community
    35,2 million euros Total investment in the Community
  • Beneficiaries
    2+ million Beneficiaries

Impact by SDGs in 2022

Fundação Galp
Fundação Galp

Galp and its Foundation focus on social investment and on contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the different countries and communities where they are present, always with the purpose of generating shared value and contributing to the energy transition of society.

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